Tuesday, April 23, 2013

American Idiot

I'm a pretty big fan of Green Day.  I own all their albums and listen to them all.  I don't know what I was expecting to get out of American Idiot the Musical, but I thought that it couldn't be bad.  I thought completely wrong.  Punk Rock doesn't exactly work in a theatrical setting.  Picture yourself at a Green Day Concert sitting down and listening to the music rather than being in a  pit or something getting into the music.  Then imagine that the band is replaced with a mediocre cover band.  There you have it folks, that's American Idiot in a nutshell.

Not to say that the dancing and singing wasn't good because it was.  The whole thing just came across as a poorly done version of Rock of Ages.  I guess I had too high of expectations for the show, but when the curtain closed, I was glad that it was not an intermission.  The plot was pretty much nonexistent.  A short bit of profanities in-between every song.  I walked in thinking "How could this be bad?" and walked out thinking "How could I think that this would be good?"

Anyhow I decided to cheer myself up from this overwhelmingly mediocre performance with not just a good meal but a great meal.  I had been wanting a good steak ever since I had my well overpriced and just decent steak at Morton's in Miami.  Smith and Wollensky is where I decided to make up for it.  I usually decide to go with a seafood based appetizer whenever I'm going to have a great steak dinner, I don't know why.  If my good friend Doug was around I would have definitely done the Calamari along with the Carpaccio that I ended up going with.  Served on a Himalayan Salt Block I was sold by it.  My only complaint about it was that the crostini served along side it were slightly thick for my taste.

Rather than enjoy just one steak I got the Tenderloin Trio.  It was a good value in I would be able to try out three different sauces for the steak.   The steak in general was just slightly over the Medium Rare that I requested but not so overdone that I would send it back.  The Roasted Chipollini onion sauce was very sweet and just slightly earthy.  I will be the first to claim to be a person that likes things on the salty side, but the bacon on the Gorgonzola crusted steak almost made the steak a little too salty (I'm nitpicking here though, the steaks were excellent).  The third in the trio was the Foie Gras and Mushroom Ragout.  The delicate fatty Foie Gras gets lost among the boldness of the dry aged steak.

Coconut Cake
The sides were just not disappointing.  The green beans I had were cooked to perfection and I kind of wish that the server would have pointed out that there was Gorgonzola on the green beans as well because I would have ordered a different side as I like to avoid overlapping flavors.  Had I known this I would have probably went with the Asparagus as a veg.  The Truffle Mac and Cheese in my opinion lacked a little bit of both truffle and salt.  Should have been called Mac and Cheese with a hint of Truffle rather than Truffle Mac and Cheese.

Desserts are big enough for two to share and my Coconut cake was huge.  The cake was moist and perfectly sweet and I love the fresh coconut strips that garnish the top of the cake.  It's nothing like my Great Grandma's coconut cake with the lemon filling, but it's still pretty tasty.

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