Friday, August 16, 2013

NAH5: Kohlrabi Salad with Pickled Mushrooms

Inspired by a trip to the farmer's market.  This was a quick and easy one.  I kind of lucked out with all of the ingredients.  The Kohlrabi was on sale for a really good price.  So were the mushrooms and I can't ever really see myself passing up a good deal on some shiitake mushrooms.  I also got really lucky as the herbs were on manager's special half off.  I sort of got the idea for the dish by combining the good experience I had with a kohlrabi salad at Girl and the Goat with the pickled mushrooms I enjoyed with carpaccio while in London.

1 Bunch of Kohlrabi
1 Pint of Shitake Mushrooms
1/2 Clove of Garlic (I actually ended up mincing thee cloves and then once I came to my senses about having raw garlic I only used about 1/6th of it)
1/4 Cup Vinegar (For this I used a coconut white balsamic from Twisted olive, and it has a lot of sweetness to it.  If using say white wine vinegar, you might want to mix in a teaspoon or so of sugar)
1 Teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper
1/4 Cup Vegan Mayo
1 Tablespoon Chopped Fresh Tarragon
Zest of one Lemon
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
Salt and Pepper to taste

  1. Remove the stems from the mushrooms and thinly slice them
  2. Add them to a bowl with the vinegar, red pepper and very finely minced garlic Allow to marinate for at least two hours.
  3. Peel and chop the kohlrabi.  Any cut will work here, I just chose to julienne because my mandoline makes pretty quick work of it.
  4. Whisk the lemon juice into the mayo and toss everything together.

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